Front of Note: Portrait of Michael Hillegas, The first Treasurer of the United States, 1175-1789.
Take a look at the Color on the back of this Note!! Signatures of Vernon & McClung. Census shows 282 FR-1182's Known And not many of those are in higher grade, This is the first one I have owned in over 20 years of collecting.
FR-1187 Signatures of Speelman & White
There are only 35 Known of this Issue a true Rarity Face of the Note Features Bust of Senator and Governor (NY) Silas Wright. Back of the Note Features an Eagle at the right standing on a shield.
There are only 63 Known of this Issue a true Rarity Face of the Note Features Bust of Senator and Governor (NY) Silas Wright. Back of the Note Features a Eagle at the right standing on a shield.